The PhilInBioMed Network

PhilInBioMed is both an interdisciplinary institute located at the University of Bordeaux (France), and a national and international network connecting teams that work at the interface between philosophy, biology, and medicine in order to transform scientific practices and discovery.

PhilInBioMed has three main missions:

  1. Promoting short-term and long-term stays of philosophers in biology and medicine labs, as well as short-term and long-term stays of biologists and MDs in philosophy lab, at a local but also an international scale.
  2. Promoting collaborative publications by philosophers, biologists, and medical doctors – targeting both philosophy, science, and medicine journals.
  3. Promoting the participation to common conferences, seminars and reading groups.

PhilInBioMed was created by Thomas Pradeu (CNRS & Univ. Bordeaux) in 2017. Since 2020, it is recognized as a CNRS International Research Network (IRN).

Members of PhilInBioMed share the aim to promote productive interactions between philosophy, biology, and medicine. Internationally, several teams and institutes are part of PhilInBioMed.

Coordinator: Thomas Pradeu

Thomas Pradeu is CNRS Senior Investigator at ImmunoConcept (CNRS & Univ. Bordeaux, France), PI of the Conceptual Biology & Medicine Team, & PI of the ERC-funded IDEM project (2015-2020).


Nora Abrous

Nora Abrous is Research Director in Neurosciences at Inserm. She leads a team ‘Neurogenesis and Pathophysiology” at Neurocentre Magendie  (Inserm, Bordeaux, France).

Ralph Adolphs

Ralph Adolphs is a Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Biology at the California Institute of Technology. Furthermore he is the Director of the Emotion and Social Cognition Lab, which investigates the neural underpinnings of human social behavior. He is also a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

J. Arvid Ågren

J. Arvid Ågren is an evolutionary biologist, currently holding a Wenner-Gren Fellowship at Harvard University. His research focuses on genomic conflicts and the foundations of the gene’s-eye view of evolution.

Serge Ahmed

Serge Ahmed is Research Director in Neurosciences, Psychology, and Pharmacology at CNRS and leader of the team Pathological decision-making in Addiction at the University of Bordeaux, France.

Samuel Alizon

Samuel Alizon is a CNRS Research Director at MIVEGEC in Montpellier. He is an evolutionary ecologist specialised in the modelling of infectious disease dynamics.

Ann-Sophie Barwich

Ann-Sophie Barwich is an Assistant Professor at Indiana University Bloomington, USA. She is a cognitive scientist and empirical philosopher & historian of science, especially the philosophy of olfaction.

Catherine Belzung

Catherine Belzung is Professor in Neuroscience at University of Tours and at Institut Universitaire de France, and Director of Imaging and Brain (iBrain, Inserm Unit 1253). She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

John Bickle

John Bickle is Professor of Philosophy and Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Mississippi State University, and Affiliated Faculty in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. His research interests are in philosophy of neuroscience, scientific reductionism, and cellular and molecular mechanisms of consciousness and cognition.

Andreas Bikfalvi

Andreas Bikfalvi is Professor of Biology and Director of the Angiogenesis and Cancer Microenvironment Laboratory (INSERM U1029, Univ. Bordeaux, France)

Jonathan Birch

Jonathan Birch is an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, specializing in Philosophy of the Biological. He works on evolution of social behaviour, the evolution of norms, animal sentience, and the relation between sentience and welfare.

Alexander Bird

Alexander Bird is Peter Sowerby Professor of Philosophy and Medicine at King’s College (London, UK). His research deals with philosophy of science, metaphysics and epistemology. He is member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Mina Bissell

Mina Bissell is Distinguished Senior Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She has pioneered the field of tumor microenviornment and has significantly advanced the fields of breast cancer research. She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Patrick Blanco

Patrick Blanco is Professor of Immunology, Univ. Bordeaux, Pellegrin Hospital & ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux, France.

Ned Block

Ned Block is Silver Professor in the Departments of Philosophy, Psychology and Center for Neural Science at New York University (NYU), NY, USA.

Federico Boem

Federico Boem is a philosopher of science whose research interests include philosophy of biology and biomedicine. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Twente (NL), in the European project ERC-Syn-2020 (aka NanoBubbles) which aims to provide new insights on how, when, and why science fails to correct itself.

Thomas Boraud

Thomas Boraud is Research Director in Neurosciences at CNRS,and Leader of the team Physiology and pathophysiology of executive functions, Bordeaux, France.

Thomas Boyer-Kassem

Thomas Boyer-Kassem is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science, University of Poitiers, France. He studies the collective and ethical aspects of decisions in medical contexts.

Charlotte Brives

Charlotte Brives is a CNRS researcher at the Centre Emile Durkheim (Science-Po Bordeaux). She is an anthropologist specialized in microbes.

Cédric Brun

Cédric Brun is Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, France.

Nancy Cartwright

Nancy Cartwright is a Professor of Philosophy at Durham University and a Distinguished Professor at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). She has a long history in the philosophy of the natural sciences, especially physics, but she has now turned to philosophy of the social sciences with special attention to economics. Her current research focusses on objectivity and evidence.

Hasok Chang

Hasok Chang is Hans Rausing Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge (UK).

Tony Chemero

Tony Chemero is a Professor of Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Cincinnati. His research is both philosophical and empirical. It is focused on questions related to dynamical modeling, ecological psychology, artificial life and complex systems.

Lynn Chiu

Lynn Chiu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Evolutionary Biology,
University of Vienna.

Patricia Churchland

Patricia Churchland, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of California, San Diego and Adjunct Professor at the Salk Institute, has contributed to the fields of philosophy of neuroscience, philosophy of the mind and neuroethics, with a particular focus on the interface between neuroscience and philosophy.

Ellen Clarke

Ellen Clarke is a Lecturer at the University of Leeds (UK). She works in philosophy of biology, especially on levels of selection and the definition of the organism.

Cécile Contin-Bordes

Cécile Contin-Bordes is Associate Professor of Immunology at the University of Bordeaux and Pellegrin Hospital, and a member of the ImmunoConcept lab, Bordeaux, France.

Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo

Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo is Research Director at CNRS, Leader of the team Evolution & Genetics at the Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France.

Carl Craver

Carl Craver

Carl Craver is a Philosopher of Neuroscience at the Washington University in St. Louis, USA. One of his research interests is the study of deficits in agency and moral reasoning in people with amnesia. He is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Richard Creath

Richard Creath is a Philosopher of Science and President’s Professor at the School of Life Science at the Arizona State University and a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Adrian Currie

Adrian Currie is a professor in Exeter, England, working on philosophy, sociology and anthropology.

Marc Daëron

Marc Daëron is an INSERM Senior Investigator at Institut Pasteur, CIML and IHPST. He is a specialist of immunology and allergies.

Bertrand Daignan-Fornier

Bertrand Daignan-Fornier is Research Director at CNRS, Head of IBGC, Head of team Genetics of Metabolic Pathways, Bordeaux, France.

Julie Déchanet-Merville

Julie Déchanet-Merville is Research Director in Immunology at CNRS, Head of ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux, France.

Daniel Dennett (1942-2024)

Daniel Dennett was Professor of Philosophy and Co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. His research centered on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science.

Michael Dietrich

Michael Dietrich is a Professor and Department Chair at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America. He works on History and Philosophy of Biology with an emphasis on scientific controversies in twentieth century genetics and evolutionary biology as well as the histories of developmental biology and molecular evolution.

James DiFrisco

James DiFrisco is a Group Leader at the Francis Crick Institute in London. His research focuses on theoretical issues in developmental and evolutionary systems biology, such as the evolution of novel characters, the multi-scale organization of phenotypes, and foundations of comparative biology.

Ford Doolittle

Ford Doolittle is a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of the Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. He thinks about “function” in genomics, microbial communities, natural selection and definitions of “life”. He is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Pierre Dos Santos

Pierre Dos Santos is a Professor of Animal Physiology at the University of Bordeaux, and a specialist of cardiology.

Stephen M. Downes

Stephen M. Downes is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah. His research interests are in Philosophy of Biology with a particular focus on Evolutionary Approaches to understanding human behavior and Human Evolution more generally.

Dorothée Duluc

Dorothée Duluc is Associate Professor of Immunology at Bordeaux University, and a member of the Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy group at ImmunoConcept.

John Dupré

John Dupré is Professor of Philosophy of science at the University of Exeter (UK), with a main focus on philosophy of biology. He is the Director of Egenis, the Centre for the Study of Life Sciences.

Gérard Eberl

Gérard Eberl is a Professor of Immunology at the Institut Pasteur, leader of the Microenvironment and Immunity team, and head of Department of Immunology, Paris, France.

Arantzazu Etxeberria Agiriano

Arantzazu Etxeberria Agiriano is an Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain.

Andrew J. Ewald

Andrew Ewald, an expert in cancer biology, is Virginia DeAcetis Professor and Director, Department of Cell Biology & Director, Giovanis Institute for Translational Cell Biology at the Johns Hopkins Medical School (USA).

Melinda Fagan

Melinda Fagan is Sterling McMurrin Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Utah (USA). Her research is in philosophy of science, focusing on experimental practice in biology (particularly stem cell and developmental biology), explanation, and conceptions of objectivity and evidence.

Stuart Firestein

Stuart Firestein is the Chair of Columbia University’s Department of Biological Sciences where he and his colleagues conduct research on the vertebrate olfactory system. He is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Steven Frank

Steven Frank is Donald Bren Professor & Distinguished Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences at University of California Irvine (USA) and works on evolutionary genetics and host-parasite interactions.

Jonathan Fuller

Jonathan Fuller is Assistant Professor in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh working in philosophy of medicine, especially on epidemiology, psychiatry and neurology, clinical reasoning, and medical education.

Jean Gayon (1949-2018)

Jean Gayon (1949-2018) was Professor Emeritus in Philosophy of Science at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, and Director of IHPST. See ISHPSSB obituary, by Richard Burian.

Sophie Gerber

Sophie Gerber is a plant geneticist. She is a researcher at INRA, BIOGECO lab, Bordeaux, France. She also works in philosophy of biology.

Scott Gilbert

Scott Gilbert is Professor emeritus at Swarthmore College. He is a specialist of ecological developmental biology, developmental genetics, embryology, and the history and critiques of biology.

Sara Green

Sara Green is Associate Professor in the Department of Science Education at the University of Copenhagen. Her research focuses on the epistemic and social implications of datafication in science and medicine, with special focus on personalized or precision medicine.

Gregor Greslehner

Gregor Greslehner is university assistant/postdoc at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna, contributing to Tarja Knuuttila‘s ERC project “Possible Life: The Philosophical Significance of Extending Biology“. From October 2018 to end of August 2020, he was a postdoc in Thomas Pradeu’s ERC IDEM project at ImmunoConcept.

Paul Griffiths

Paul Griffiths

Paul Griffiths is Professorial Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, and Associate Academic Director (Arts and Social Sciences) at the Charles Perkins Centre. He is a specialist of Philosophy of Biology and Philosophy of Psychology.

Fridolin Gross

Fridolin Gross is associate professor of philosophy of medical science at the University of Bordeaux and member of the Conceptual Biology and Medicine team at ImmunoConcept.

Stephan Guttinger

Stephan Guttinger is a lecturer in Philosophy of Data and Data Ethics at the University of Exeter. His research focuses on the methodology and ontology of the contemporary life sciences.

Matt Haber

Matt Haber is Associate Professor in Philosophy, University of Utah (USA). His area of specialty is Philosophy of Biology and Philosophy of Science, particularly the philosophical and conceptual issues in systematics.

Valerie Gray Hardcastle

Valerie Gray Hardcastle is the St. Elizabeth Healthcare Executive Director of the Institute for Health Innovation and the Vice President for Health Innovations at Northern Kentucky University and an adjunct research professor at the University of Cincinnati (U.S.).

Laurence Huc

Laurence Huc is a toxicologist and team leader at INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment) in Toulouse. The aim of her project is to evaluate the health impact of commonly used fungicides.

Philippe Huneman

Philippe Huneman is Research Director in Philosophy of Science at CNRS, working at IHPST (CNRS, ENS & Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University).

Andrew Inkpen

Andrew Inkpen is an Assistant Professor at Mount Allison University in the Department of Philosophy and an Associate Fellow in the History of Science and Technology Programme at the University of King’s College. His research in the history and philosophy of science focuses on conceptual and methodological issues in ecology and evolutionary biology.

Eva Jablonka

Eva Jablonka is Professor at Tel-Aviv University. Her research interests include Heredity, Epigenetics. Evolutionary Biology, Behavioural Ecology, Developmental Biology, Language and Cultural evolution, History of Genetics and the Philosophy of Science.

Hannah Kaminski

Hannah Kaminski is MD of Nephrology and Infectious diseases. She recently completed her PhD dissertation in Immunology at ImmunoConcept under the supervision of Julie Déchanet-Merville.

Kenneth S Kendler

Kenneth S Kendler is a physician trained in psychiatry and statistical and molecular genetics who directs the Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond Virginia, interested in a range of philosophical issues in psychiatry.

Lara Keuck

Lara Keuck is a historian and philosopher of medicine and leads an independent Max Planck Research Group on Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin.

Rob Knight

Rob Knight is a Professor at the University of California San Diego and the co-founder of the American Gut Project. He is also a co-founder of the Earth Microbiome Project, and the founding Director of the Center for Microbiome Innovation.

Jan Pieter Konsman

Jan Pieter Konsman is a neuroimmunologist with a Master’s degree in history and philosophy of science. His research focuses on physiology, behavior and immune-to-brain signaling during inflammation and cancer as well as on the use concepts, such as homeostasis and stress, in preclinical studies. He is CNRS researcher and member of the Conceptual Biology and Medicine team at ImmunoConcept.

Eugene Koonin

Eugene Koonin is a Senior Investigator at the National Center for Biotechnology Information and head of the Evolutionary Genomics Research Group. He is a member of the PhilInBiomed Scientific Committee.

Kevin Lala

Kevin Lala is Professor of Behavioural and Evolutionary Biology at the University of St Andrews. His lab studies evolution and animal behavior with a focus on animal social learning, niche construction and the evolution of human cognition. He is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Lucie Laplane

Lucie Laplane is a CNRS junior researcher in Philosophy of Biology and Medicine, at IHPST Paris and Gustave Roussy (1st European Cancer Centre), Paris, France.

Paôline Laurent

Paôline Laurent holds a PhD in Immunology, under the supervision of Thomas Pradeu and Marie-Elise Truchetet, at ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux, France.

Sophie Layé

Sophie Layé is Research Director at INRAE and team leader of Nutrimind (Brain Nutrient Sensing and Cognitive Trajectory from Development to Aging) at  Bordeaux Neurocampus.

Joseph LeDoux

Joseph LeDoux is Director of The Emotional Brain Institute, NYU, Professor of Neural Science and Psychology, NYU, & Professor of Psychiatry and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, NYU Langone. He is a world expert on emotions.

Maël Lemoine

Maël Lemoine is Full Professor in Philosophy of Medical Sciences at the University of Bordeaux, France, and Co-PI of the Conceptual Biology and Medicine team at ImmunoConcept.

Sabina Leonelli

Sabina Leonelli is Professor of Philosophy and History of Science at the University of Exeter (UK). She serve as the Co-Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis), where she leads the Data Studies research strand.

Tim Lewens

Tim Lewens is Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge. He works on the philosophy of biology, biomedical ethics, and general philosophy of science. He is the author of several books, the most recent being Why We Disagree about Human Nature (edited with Beth Hannon, OUP 2018).

Stefan Linquist

Stefan Linquist is an Associate Professor at the University of Guelph. His work is at the interface between ecology, genomics, evolution, and psychology. Much of his work involves extending ecological and evolutionary theories into new domains.

Pekka Louhiala

Pekka Louhiala is a paediatrician, an ethicist and a philosopher of medicine. He is Professor of Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics at the University of Tampere.

Alan Love

Alan Love is John M. Dolan Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota (USA) and Director of the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science. His research focuses on conceptual issues in biology and has concentrated on evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-devo), developmental biology, molecular biology, and paleontology.

Kate MacCord

Kate MacCord is Program Administrator and McDonnell Foundation Fellow at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. She works at the interface between biology, history of science, and philosophy of science.

Koffi Maglo

Koffi Maglo is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati. His interests include philosophy of biology and biomedicine, ethics and population health.

Jane Maienschein

Jane Maienschein

Jane Maienschein is Professor in History and Philosophy of Biology at Arizona State University. She also directs the History Project at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

Maria Mamani-Matsuda

Maria Mamani Matsuda is Associate Professor of Immunology, ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux, France.

Alberto Mantovani

Alberto Mantovani is the Scientific Director of the Humanitas Clinical and Research Center in Milan, Italy. He is also the President and Founder of the Fondazione Humanitas per la Ricerca, and Professor of Pathology at the State University of Milan.

Deborah Mayo

Deborah Mayo is Professor Emerita in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech. Her research topics include underdetermination, the role of novel evidence, and the nature of scientific progress. She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Margaret McFall-Ngai

Margaret McFall-Ngai is Professor and Director of the Pacific Biosciences Research Center at the University of Hawaii-Manoa. Her research focuses on host responses to interactions with beneficial microbes. She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Brian McGill

Brian McGill is a Professor of Ecological Modelling at the University of Maine. His research focuses on the intersection of biodiversity, global change, and big data. He has a long standing interest in thinking, talking, and writing about how scientists do their work.

Rodrigo Medel

Rodrigo Medel is a Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Chile, and member of the team Scientia at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. His research interests include general philosophy of science with emphasis in evolutionary biology, natural selection, and the nature of scientific discovery.

Ruslan Medzhitov

Ruslan Medzhitov is a Professor of Immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine. His research focuses on the analysis of the innate immune system, inflammatory response, innate control of the adaptive immunity, and host-pathogen interactions.

Pierre-Olivier Méthot

Pierre-Olivier Méthot is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Université Laval (Québec). He specializes in the history and philosophy of the biological and medical sciences, with a particular focus on microbiology, ecology, and evolution (and their interaction).

Rick Michod

Rick Michod is a Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. His lab uses mathematical modeling, genomics, phenomics, molecular biology, ecology, and philosophy to study the evolution of multicellularity and evolutionary transitions in individuality.

Thierry Michon

Thierry Michon is a researcher at INRA (UMR1332, Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie), Bordeaux, France.

Alessandro Minelli

Alessandro Minelli is a Professor emeritus of Zoology at the University of Padua. His work focuses on evolutionary developmental biology and he has contributed to laying the conceptual foundations for this discipline.

Michel Morange

Michel Morange is a professor of biology at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris, a historian of molecular biology, and president (2015–2017) of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB).

Nicolae Morar

Nicolae Morar is an Assistant Professor in Environmental Studies & Philosophy at University of Oregon. He is interested in Bioethics (Biomedical, Genethics, Environmental, & Research Ethics), Philosophy of Biology, and Recent Continental Philosophy.

Jean-François Moreau

Jean-François Moreau is Professor of Immunology, Univ. Bordeaux, Pellegrin Hospital & ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux, France.

Alvaro Moreno Bergareche

Alvaro Moreno Bergareche is Full Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Spain). Founder of the Philosophy of Biology Group at the UPV/EHU, he is a specialist of Philosophy of Biology, Artificial Life, Complex Systems and Cognitive Science.

Gerd B. Müller

Gerd B. Müller is Professor and Head of the Department of Theoretical Biology at the University of Vienna (Austria). He is the President of the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI).

Samir Okasha

Samir Okasha is Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Bristol (UK) and a specialist of foundational and conceptual questions surrounding evolutionary theory. He is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Duygu Özpolat

Duygu Özpolat is a Principal Investigator and Hibbitt Fellow at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole, USA. As a developmental biologist she holds a passion for live-imaging embryos and regeneration. She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Mathieu Paoletti

Mathieu Paoletti is a CNRS researcher at IGBC, member of the team Non-Self Recognition in Fungi, Bordeaux, France.

Diane Pataki

Diane Pataki is Professor of Biological Sciences and Associate Vice President for Research at the University of Utah. She studies human-environment interactions related to urban biodiversity, resource use, and landscape design. She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Leïla Périé

Leïla Périé is a CNRS researcher in immunology and team leader in the Biophysics lab at the Institut Curie (Paris, France).

Thomas Polger

Thomas Polger is Professor of Philosophy, and Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati. He studies the relationships between explanations, models, and entities of different sciences — especially those of the cognitive and brain sciences.

Angela Potochnik

Angela Potochnik is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Public Engagement with Science at the University of Cincinnati.​ Her research intests include the relationships between science and the public, and methods in population biology.

David Queller

David Queller is a Professor of Biology at Washington University in St. Louis, USA. His work focuses on both theoretical and empirical aspects of the evolution of social interactions, including both sexual selection and kin selection.

Suresh Rattan

Suresh Rattan is at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark. His interests and expertise include the biological basis and modulation of ageing.

David Raubenheimer

David Raubenheimer is Leonard P. Ullman Chair in Nutritional Ecology at the Charles Perkins Centre, the University of Sydney, and explores how animal biology interacts with food environments via nutrition and the reciprocal influences of these interactions on biolog.

Robert Richardson

Robert Richardson is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati. His research interests include philosophy of science, cognitive science, and the history of modern philosophy.

Jason Robert

Jason Robert holds the Lincoln Chair in Ethics and is director of the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics at Arizona State University. A bioethicist and philosopher of biology, his research is animated by the question of what is ‘good’ science – that is, science that is both efficacious and ethical.

Elena Rondeau

Elena Rondeau holds a Post-doc teaching position at the International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI) in Lyon. She did her PhD in Oncoimmunology under the supervision of Thomas Pradeu and Nicolas Larmonier at ImmunoConcept, Bordeaux, France.

Joan Roughgarden

Joan Roughgarden is Professor of Biology Emerita at Stanford University and Affiliated Faculty at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, U. of Hawaii (USA). She is an expert in ecology and evolutionary biology.

Philippe J. Sansonetti

Philippe J. Sansonetti is a microbiologist, Professor at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where he is the head of the Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis lab, and at the Collège de France, where he holds the Chair in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Jérôme Santolini

Jérôme Santolini is a researcher at CEA, Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule, Saclay, France.

Isabella Sarto-Jackson

Isabella Sarto-Jackson is the Executive Manager of the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) in Klosterneuburg, Austria.

Sven Saupe

Sven Saupe is Research Director at CNRS, PI of Non-Self Recognition in Fungi team, IBGC, Bordeaux, France.

Kenneth F. Schaffner

Kenneth F. Schaffner is Distinguished University Professor at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of Pittsburgh, USA. He is a specialist of philosophy of biology and philosophy of medicine and is member of the PhilInBIoMed Scientific Committee.

Nicholas Shea

Nicholas Shea is Professor of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy, University of London. His research interests include the philosophy of psychology and cognitive science and the philosophy of mind. He is in charge of the ERC Project on Metacognition of Concepts.

Jonathan Sholl

Jonathan Sholl is maître de conférences (associate professor) at the University of Bordeaux. His research focuses on various issues within the philosophy of medicine and biology, such as physiological concepts of health, concepts in systems biology, and most recently, the intersection of microbiology and cancer. He is also interested in the nutrition sciences, aging, and historical epistemology. He is member of the Conceptual Biology and Medicine Team at ImmunoConcept.

Robert Skipper

Robert Skipper is Professor of Philosophy at University of Cincinnati. His research focus has been mainly on the origin and development of evolutionary genetics. Other interests include environmental ethics, bioethics, and epistemology.

Brian Skyrms

Brian Skyrms is a Distinguished Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and Economics at the University of California, Irvine and a Professor of Philosophy at Stanford University. Most recently, he has worked on the evolution of conventions and the social contract. Other research interests include inductive logic, decision theory, rational deliberation, and Truth.

Elliott Sober

Elliott Sober is Hans Reichenbach Professor and William F. Vilas Research Professor in the Department of Philosophy at University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA. He is one of the founders of the field of philosophy of biology, and a specialist of evolution. He is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Miriam Solomon

Miriam Solomon is Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at Temple University, Philadelphia. Her research interests are in philosophy of science, philosophy of medicine, history of science, epistemology, gender and science and biomedical ethics. She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Jacob Stegenga

Jacob Stegenga is a Professor at NTU Singapore. Jacob has published widely in philosophy of science and philosophy of medicine. He is the author of Medical Nihilism and Care and Cure: An Introduction to Philosophy of Medicine, and a book to be published in 2025 titled Heart of Science.

Adrian Stencel

Adrian Stencel is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland. His research is mainly in the philosophy of biology, with strong interests in the conceptual and foundational issues surrounding the theory of evolution, population biology and microbiology.

Beckett Sterner

Beckett Sterner is an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University. His research focuses on the question: “When and why is mathematics useful for biology?”

Joan Strassmann

Joan Strassmann is a Professor of Biology at the Washington University in St. Louis, USA. She is an Evolutionary Biologist interested in cooperative alliances, multicellularity and social evolution. She is a member of the PhilInBioMed Scientific Committee.

Jim Tabery

Jim Tabery is Professor of Philosophy and Adjunct Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Utah. His research focuses largely on the philosophy of science and applied ethics, as well as the intersection between those domains.

Paul Thagard

Paul Thagard is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Waterloo. His writings in the philosophy of medicine includes the book How Scientists Explain Disease (Princeton University Press, 2000), several articles on mental illness, and work in progress on balance disorders.

Marie-Elise Truchetet

Marie-Elise Truchetet is Professor of Rheumatology at Bordeaux University Hospital & member of ImmunoConcept.

Christophe Tzourio

Christophe Tzourio is is Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Bordeaux University and director of the Bordeaux Population Health Center (BPH).

Walter Veit

Walter Veit is a Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Reading (UK) & External Member at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany). His research deals with animal minds, welfare, and ethics.

Michel Vervoort (1970-2022)

Michel Vervoort (1970-2022) was a Professor in Biology (Evolution, Genetics, Eco-Devo) at Paris-Diderot University and Institut Jacques Monod.

Eric Vivier

Eric Vivier is Professor of Immunology, and Director of the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML), Marseille, France.

Andreas Wagner

Andreas Wagner is Professor at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University Zurich, Switzerland. He is known for his work on the role of robustness and innovation in biological evolution.

Günter Wagner

Günter Wagner is a Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University, USA. His main research interest is the evolution of gene regulation as it pertains to the origin of evolutionary novelties.

Jerry Wakefield

Jerry Wakefield is Professor of Social Work and Professor of the Conceptual Foundations of Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine. He is interested in the conceptual foundations of clinical theory, the philosophy of psychopathology, psychiatric epidemiology of depression, and integrative clinical theory.

Jonathan Weitzman

Jonathan Weitzman is Professor of Genetics at the Université Paris Cité and the founding director of the Epigenetics and Cell Fate Center, where he leads the Plasticity of Cellular Phenotypes team.

Joeri Witteveen

Joeri Witteveen is an Assistant Professor in history and philosophy of science at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. He specializes in history and philosophy of biology. In his research he combines philosophical analysis with historical case studies while paying close attention to scientific practice.

Martin Zach

Martin Zach is a postdoc at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. His research focuses mainly on conceptual issues in immunology.