Upcoming events

Metastasis workshop, Sète (France)
Argument: Cancer is one of the main causes of death globally according to the World Health Organization. The biological complexity and heterogeneity of this disease (or group of diseases) make …
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»Past events

Sixth Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop
The Sixth Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop was held in Bordeaux, France, from March 4th to 6th, 2024. Context Cancer is one of the main causes of death globally according …
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Workshop on Reproducibility in Cancer Biology
Lead by : Tim Errington, Center for Open Science Jacob Stegenga, Cambridge Dawn Teare, Newcastle Frédéric de Lamotte, Montpellier Marcus Munafò, Université de Bristol José Eduardo Gomes, Université de Bordeaux
Fifth Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop: Cancer and Evolution
This workshop will explore cancer from an evolutionary perspective, with a strong focus on how cancer appeared and evolved and on the different forms of cancer across taxa. Schedule Speakers …
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Johanna Joyce (Univ. Lausanne, Switzerland), Exploring & Therapeutically Exploiting the Tumor Microenvironment
Johanna Joyce is a cancer biologist and geneticist, and her research interests focus on exploring the critical functions of the tumor microenvironment in regulating cancer progression, metastasis and therapeutic response, …
Fourth Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop
The Fourth Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop will be held in Bordeaux, France. Campus Victoire Amphi Sigalas (Building C - 2nd Floor) 3ter Place de la Victoire, 33000 Bordeaux, France …
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Judith Campisi (Buck Institute for Research on Aging; Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, California) Cancer and aging: Rival demons?
Judith Campisi is a professor of biogerontology at the Buck Institute in California. She is a member of the National Academy of Science and a fellow of the American …
Cancer & Evolution Mini-workshop (Bordeaux-Bristol-Paris)
This is a small and closed workshop, associating philosophers and biologists from Bordeaux, Bristol and Paris, all interested in central conceptual issues in cancer research, especially about evolutionary approaches to …
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Third Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop, with Fanny Jaulin and Andrei Seluanov (via Zoom)
Videos of talks available below Program and list of speakers Program 3rd Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop (please click to enlarge) Plenary speakers Fanny Jaulin (Gustave Roussy, INSERM, …
Second Philosophy of Cancer Biology Workshop, with Jerome Galon and Joel Brown (Pey Berland, Bordeaux, France)
January 20th-21st, 2020 University of Bordeaux (France) Campus Pey Berland (35 Place Pey Berland 33000 Bordeaux) The University of Bordeaux, the CNRS, ImmunoConcEpT, and PhilInBioMed host the second international …
Le cancer est-il une maladie de la vieillesse ? Une conférence destinée au grand public (Université de Bordeaux, site Pey Berland)
Table Ronde Le cancer est-il une maladie de la vieillesse ? Discussion publique et ouverte à tous Pas de connaissances requises Université de Bordeaux, 35 place Pey Berland, salle RE …
»Organizer: Thomas Pradeu
If you would like to be part of our mailing list, please contact Thomas Pradeu