The International Master of Philosophy in Biology and Medicine in Bordeaux offers a unique philosophical approach to the life sciences that combines the development of conceptual tools and direct engagement with scientific theory and practice.
Key Facts
- Format: MA
- Duration: 4 semesters (2 years)
- Credits : 120 credits ECTS
- Location: Bordeaux, France
- Language: English
- Eligible applicants: international
- Application: Please contact the coordinator Maël Lemoine (mael.lemoine[at] to obtain further information about the application process.
This master is part of the program Information et médiation scientifique et technique, co-accredited by the University of Bordeaux and the University of Bordeaux Montaigne.
Picture yourself as part of a small community of like-minded philosophy students with a strong taste for science. You all share a workspace in the middle of an immunology lab, where other master’s students, PhD students and researchers come and go in their lab coats: This is your environment.
Along with you are four permanent teachers in philosophy of science who will share their research, support you in your development, and include you in the network of collaborations they themselves have already established with important figures in contemporary science. Not to mention PhD students and postdocs in philosophy of science.
Every other week or so, a renowned philosopher or scientist visits the lab and gives a talk – a specific slot of time is dedicated for you to speak with them. International conferences are organized – and you’re among the organizers.
Top-class philosophers of science or scientists come and spend an extended period of time in the lab and teach as part of the Master’s program. In 2023, we hosted Paul Griffiths (University of Sydney, Australia). In 2024 it was Carl Craver (Washington University, St. Louis, USA).
The teaching is very interactive. It happens in small groups of 5-10 students, directly in our lab, or in the scientific labs of our partners on campus for the acquisition of basic or advanced scientific knowledge.
In this Master, you will learn how to seriously deal with scientific problems as a philosopher of science. You will acquire a high level of competence: exceptional reading and writing skills that will allow you to publish both in philosophy and in science journals, and access to an exceptional network of people around the world. Already in the second year you will have written and hopefully published your first article with the help of a first year student and under the supervision of one of the lecturers. This will give you the best chance of getting an excellent PhD position.
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Your Teachers
Further Information
Program Factsheet
Requirements for Admission
• Hold a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS) or equivalent in Philosophy, Biology, Medicine, or another relevant scientific field
• A strong, documented interest in theoretical biology or philosophy of science
• Proficiency in English equivalent to C1 according to CEFR
Program Duration and Level
• 2 years (120 ECTS).
• Master’s degree.
Strengths of this Master Program
• Offers a new vision of philosophy as a tool for scientific research
• Teaches how philosophers can productively collaborate with scientists
• Embedded within a top-level international networks in philosophy, biology, and medicine
Become one of our students
Registration Fees and Process
Registration fees:
For all students (whether French, European or non-European students), the registration fees for this Master’s program are the same: €92.00 + €243.00 per year.
Registration process:
If you are interested, please contact the program coordinator mael.lemoine[at] as soon as possible. He will answer your questions about the application procedure, deadlines and the organization of the program.
Grants and financial aid:
This tool lists all the possibilities for aid offered by States (French and foreign), regional authorities, companies, foundations and universities. Filter your search by nationality, subject and level of study to find the support that matches your profile.
The master is co-accredited by the University of Bordeaux and the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. You will be affiliated to the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, but you will follow the courses on the campus of the University of Bordeaux and in the ImmunoConcept laboratory. The ImmunoConcept laboratory is located on the Carreire campus, five minutes from the city center. It hosts the majority of biology and medicine students as well as many research laboratories. Some of your courses may take place at the Talence-Pessac-Gradignan campus, located 5 km southwest of the center of Bordeaux. The Talence-Pessac-Gradignan campus is served by the tramway line B.
Student Life in Bordeaux
Accomodation and student life
To help you organize your stay and give you more information about finding accommodation, social security, health insurance, opening a bank account or the transport network, please contact our dedicated assistant Margot Marchaisseau (
Budget preview (source : University of Bordeaux – 2018)
More about Bordeaux
Bordeaux, a city renowned for many good things: listed as “UNESCO World Heritage Site”, described as “an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble”, classified as “City of Art and History” and last but not least, the wine capital of the world! Capital of south west France, Bordeaux is home to dedicated football and rugby teams. Less than an hour away, there are the sunny beaches of the Atlantic coast and the rolling landscapes of the region’s famous vineyards. Further south lie the historic and cultural treasures of the Pays Basque and the Pyrenees. The new high-speed rail connects Bordeaux to the European high-speed rail network and places the Gironde capital only 2 hours from Paris.
Local and International Internships
First year: local internship (6 weeks)
The goal of the local internship in an on-site science laboratory is to become familiar with scientific research and to foster communication with scientists.
Second year: international internship (8 weeks)
The goal of the internship abroad is to develop new skills, gain international experience and improve your employability.
For more information about the internships, please feel free to contact the coordinator of the program: mael.lemoine[at]
Contact and application
Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information or to get started with the application process.
Applications should include:
- a cover letter describing your motivation for enrolling in the master
- your CV
- the description of a possible research project
Please send your request and/or application material to mael.lemoine[at] before March 24th, 2025. Later applications may be accepted but are not guaranteed regular examination. The research project, which should not exceed 5 pages, should present a possible idea of what the student would like to develop, but is not binding. The jury will examine the relevance of the topic for biological and medical science, the soundness of the argument, and the originality of the project.
Zoom interviews are proposed to shortlisted candidates in the following month. They will take the form of a discussion on the candidate’s research project. Candidates will be informed of their acceptance by May 28th at the latest.